Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to our Little Friend

A client once told me that the "good thing" about having a kid with special needs was that you met so many wonderful people...people you would not have met were this not your road. The same goes for fostering. Aside from the great kids who have come and gone through my door, I have met wonderful caseworkers, ad litems, therapists, and fellow foster friends.

Today, Sass and I were invited to share in a special celebration. Our littlest foster friend turned 6 months old. His 5 year old sister and Miss Sassafras blew out candles on their way-too-much-sugar-for-a-school-night cupcakes to celebrate this cute boy being in our lives. The birthday boy smiled and drooled, drooled and smiled his way through the celebration, maybe wondering what all the fuss was about.

While anyone who knows me knows that I "don't do babies," this is one cutie pie that I am lucky to know and to see on a regular basis.

So to my baby foster friend, I say: Happy Half Birthday, Little Guy! Yes, you with the curly curls who gives his toothless smiles away for free. I wish you good things in your life!

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