Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Eldest Brother

10. Once stood on the street corner, wearing a camouflaged skating helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, tried to break dance and sang a country music song at the top of his lungs. All of his worlds of fun in one 60 second period.
9. Decorated a chocolate cake for my book club's discussion of "All Quiet on the Western Front" by putting every last one of his "army guys" on top.
8. Didn't believe me when I told him drinking too much red Gatorade would make him throw up.
7. Wore one of two button up shirts, buttoned all the way to the top and tucked into his Wranglers as far as it could go, to church every single Sunday.
6. Came in with the strongest country boy accent I had ever heard in my life.
5. Won a 1st place ribbon at the city-wide science fair, but would tell anyone that "it's really because the judges could tell I did it all by myself."
4. Loved Harry Potter almost as much as I do. So much that he wanted his hair to be cut like Draco Malfoy's.
3. Said "tartar sauce" as his own personal cussword.
2. Was Scooby Doo's number one fan to the point of squishing his long 9 year old body into a pair of very small pajamas to display his loyalty.
1. Taught me the perseverance required to assemble Legos and showed me how far they have come in 30 years.

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