Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Key Master

Phone message from Speed's early intervention teacher yesterday:
"Hi Tammy, this may be an unusual request but I'm looking for a lost key and was wondering...."

Speed LOVES keys. He loves them so much that we have at least four sets of pretend keys and he has a few "real" keys he's allowed to use. He loves them SO much that we have a rule in our  house that no one is allowed to touch Mommy Tammy's keys except Mommy Tammy herself. He follows this rule so well that, if I drop my keys while getting Chickadee out of the car and he is right there at my feet, he will not pick up my keys unless I give him permission.

The boy LOVES keys.

So I was not at all surprised, or offended, when I was asked to search my guy's belongings for the missing key.

As it turns out, he didn't have it. They found it later on the playground. Yet it wouldn't have surprised any of us to see it in his backpack.

Speed was the first logical guess.

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