Saturday, June 11, 2011

What I Did This Week

There's a quilting blog that I like to follow called crazymomquilts. This woman posts, at least weekly, some quilt she has finished.  I love looking at these.  But I have to admit I am mystified by this one from last week called What I Did This Week. I'm curious.  I mean, I assume since her blog is called crazy MOM quilts, that she is, in fact, a mom. But are her kids in their 30s?  Because who out there has time to finish an entire quilt (a lovely one, I might add) in a week?  Here's what I did in 2 months, and that was with just 2 of the kids back when they were in bed by 7:29 p.m. at the latest every night.

Much as I'd love to, I haven't touched a quilt scrap since March 4.  What I did this week looks entirely different than a fancy quilt that this woman will have forever.  What I did this week involves some kids that will one day be memories and digital photos on the computer, but who right now are the center of my life. 

What I did this week: Played in the sprinkler. Wiped some noses.  And some bottoms.  Discussed the difference between the words Pajama and Vagina. Dressed baby dolls. And babies.  Colored a dora picture.  Drew an owl.  Went to the playground.  Went to the wading pool. Got suckered into a Mommy Date with Glamour Girl at Magnolia.  Saw Tiny Guy walk for the first time.  And fall lots of times since.  Painted toes.  Worked.  Read a page or two of the newspaper.  And of a (grown-up) book.  Blew bubbles.  Cleaned up spilled milk.  And cheerios.  And applesauce.  Laundry.  More laundry.  Picked tomatoes with three girls.  Took four kids to Target.

How's that, Crazy Mom Quilts?

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