Monday, March 15, 2010

The List

I keep a list beside my bed of all the kids I have ever been called about. Some have names and ages, some just names, some just ages, a couple just say "sibling group of three." Today I got a call for a kiddo who ultimately didn't land here for some logistical reasons. Some kids don't come because CPS finds someone else first, some don't come due to logistics like daycare not having space. Many kids (more so in the first year than now) don't come because my placing agency places way too much faith in me and calls me about: teens, babies, preteens described as "runners", sibling groups that I do not have enough beds for. Regardless of why they didn't land here, I still think about them often, wondering what they would have looked like, enjoyed doing, taught me.

Today, as I added "2 year old boy" to my list, I counted.

92 kids have made my phone ring in less than 2 1/2 years.

15 of these I have had the pleasure of meeting and loving.

I am hoping tonight that all 92 are in good, safe, happy, and fun places.

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