Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Christmas with kids is a wonderful thing! Excitement comes in all forms:

...chaotic Christmas pageant with Brother a king, Sister and Tammy angels.
...Cookies and milk left out for Santa. Santa knows that she, I mean, he did not eat all of his cookies, but in the morning, all were gone. What elf helped out?
...Santa's gift of wheels for each kiddo. Brother says that Sister does not have a "real" bike. It's a trike. She loves it just the same.
..."We're gonna open ALL of these presents at ONCE?! WOW!!"
...Lunch and dinner with our wonderful church family.
...Teenagers and college kids in that family willing to play many, many rounds of Guess Who?
...Desserts up to our eyeballs.
...and most fun, as they are still settling in: "I really had a fun day with you." from Brother.

Merry Christmas!

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