Thursday, December 17, 2009

Baby Beignet's Ten

10. Phrase of the summer: This is freakin' me out!
9. Swore off brussel sprouts very soon after moving in. Just the other day though, she told a visitor that she used to like sprouts but "now they just don't taste right anymore."
8. Had the best kindergarten class and teacher. We both loved that part of our community.
7. Often repeated phrases she learned from other people in unexpected contexts. "Let's get this party started" one morning while climbing out of bed comes to mind.
6. Thought it was the most special thing to come to work with me.
5. Was undie sorter and recycler extraodinaire.
4. Was the most nurturing baby magnet on earth. Friends Kay and Renee let Beignet mother their infants to no end. She was in her piggy glory.
3. Named any animal, doll, character she drew, anything that was worthy of a name: Leah.
2. Learned to swim this summer after being terrified of the pool. "I even put my face in that time!"
1. Has nothing but a whole lotta love in her heart and is willing to share it with anyone--from babies to little old ladies in wheelchairs. Beignet is one of the most compassionate children I have ever had the privilege of knowing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is an amazing child! I'll miss her...Tina