Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dog Envy

Apparently, I have deprived two girls of a dog this year. While at Auditorium Shores today, Ladybug declared: Me go pet me some DOGS!! So she wandered, with Beignet who is a little more on the shy side at times following, from dog to dog. Bug would scope out the owner, bat her little brown eyes and say: I please pet your dog?? After getting the required permission, she would pet away until she had had her fill, thank the owner, and move on. She even went so far as "I throw that ball your dog?" and "I throw that ball water make your dog swim?" The last dog, Pickie, put up with her tennis ball being thrown about 5 feet for several throws...until her owner said to me: Maybe you need to get your kids a dog. And off I slunk.

In the car, Bug announced her usual: I wish we do that 'gain sometime.

Sure, maybe, but not with a dog that I own...

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