Sunday, April 24, 2016

Conversations from the Past Week

Bigs at dinner:
Speed: Miss Jen got a baby today!
Sunshine: She didn't GET a baby. Not all families GET a baby. She has a baby in her tummy.
Speed: I think they put it there today.
Sunshine: No, they put it there nine months.


Speed: Did you know if you show your middle finger that's bad?
Sunshine: Which one?
Speed: This one. (demonstrates)
Sunshine: THIS one? (confirms)
Speed:Yes, that's it. I don't know why though.


Speed, sounding out some foam letters Chickadee was playing with in the tub:

Hey Mommy, C and X say SEX!

From Chickadee:
Mommy, is you white because you old?

(for the record, she sees African American adults every day at school)

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