Sunday, March 10, 2013

H E Buddy

When visiting the other day, Big Sister asked: "Mama, how does food come to your house?"
 "Well, you buy it and then you bring it home."
 "No, I mean, to YOUR house. You never go to HEB."

It occurred to me that in over two years, 15 months here and a year worth of visiting, the girl has never once set foot in a grocery store with me.

I hate shopping with kids. There's no in-out. No leave the cart at the end of the aisle and running down the row for Diet Coke. No impulse buying for you while ignoring their requests.

HEB is not something I choose to frequent with kids.

But lately, Peanut and I have gotten into the routine of hitting the grocery on Friday mornings, after dropping D at school, before going to daycare.  The girl LOVES HEB. She loves the cart shaped like a car.  She loves counting apples and bananas and whatever other produce we are getting. She loves reminiscing about the time Buddy came to HEB with us and rode in the car cart with her on the day he moved. She loves getting Buddy Bucks at the end of our trip.

Sometimes I think she'd choose HEB over Chuck E. Cheese.

I love her little recaps, like the one this past Friday: Mama me go HEB. Bananas.....cereal.....all food...I car cart. I drive car. Lady give Buddy Buck. Food in car. THEN go school. It so fun, Mama!

1 comment:

Alison Randall said...

Sagan (and I) love HEB, too. It's among our first stops every Austin visit. He even squeezed awkwardly into a car cart last time, so he could ride with Story. It's a magical place.

Now, I have to stop reading and go to bed! Stop being interesting!