Saturday, May 28, 2011


1.  We're walking across the parking lot at the garden store today.  I have Tiny Man strapped to my chest, Little Sister on a hip, and am holding one hand of each three year old in the same hand.  A woman stops her car, rolls down her window and says:  I can NEVER EVER say that I have my hands too full.
2.  Thursday, a client asked me how many kiddos I have. "Four." Oh really, what are their ages?  "Two three-year-olds, a 20 month old and an 11 month old."  Wow! she says, I'd like to meet your husband!

1 comment:

Alison Randall said...

Did you say, "I would, too!" ;) LOVE LOVE LOVE all the posts I'm finally catching up on. When are you going to turn this into a book and make your millions?