Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Big Bug

Finishing up dinner, I sent Big Sister down the hall to wash her hands.
"Mom! You gotta come see this bug!"
"Just a minute."
The fashion queen, wearing her usual bunny ears and plastic bangle bracelets, jumps down from the table to see it.
"Hey! You GOTTA come now."
So I went. Expecting to see a little tiny thing that caught their eyes.
Nope, they were sharing the hallway with a roach that may have been able to tackle one of them if he had wanted.
Smack! went the shoe.
"Why?" went the three year olds.
"To knock him out so he won't be scared riding in the dust pan." went the mommy.
And out into the grass went the roach. "To find his mom." I explained.
"And his dad and grampa?" asked one girl.
um, sure...."


amycs said...

"To knock him out..." You may be the smartest mommy and quickest-witted person in the world.

Alison Randall said...

I agree with amycs. That's ingenious. Also, will you please come kill bugs at my house? You are clearly braver than this mama.