Friday, April 3, 2009

#12 Settles In

#12 arrived on Monday. At 2 1/2, most of her words are: "No. I don't want that. No."
She can say a few other things though:
1. "No, Mommy, No!!" (I am a combination of "Mommy," "Hey," and "Tammy.")
2. I want Nana. (her name for Baby B).
3. CC wear a shirt!
4. I see Kitty Cat.
5. School bus!!!!

#12 is a bit confused at our lifestyle. We are people on the go. Last night, we packed up to go to pajama story time. Two of us (the shorter two) were wearing our pj's when I said: Get in the car.

"No, Mommy, No! Need shorts! Need shorts! NEED SHORTS!!" She sat in storytime, not saying a word, but staring at all the kids in their pj's, none wearing shorts.

She'll figure out our comings and goings (and my name) soon enough.

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