Monday, July 21, 2014

The Beach

We went to the beach in Corpus this weekend. Twelve kids, ages 13 years down to 12 months. 5 adults. (and yes, miraculously we were within the mandated adult:child ratio).

I never really thought my kids would ever get to go to the beach. I can't, as one person, take them all there, even if Junebug hadn't joined the clan. I have some really awesome friends though who assured me that we could do this together and still have fun.

We did. It was a blast. Chickadee is absolutely fearless and was only out of the water when she had to be. Speed warmed up pretty quickly, but whoever was holding him out in the ocean looked like they had a barnacle attached to them...every limb was wrapped tightly around anything he could touch. Sunshine, as is normal for her, took it all in from the sidelines for a good long while and then gradually started playing and having fun. She seemed to prefer being on the sand right where the water washes up on your feet instead of being out "swimming". Junebug spent her day in someone's arms or lap, in the water or in the sand, enjoying things but not with more than 12 inches between her and a grown up.

Speed would tell you that the sand was fun and the "hills" (waves) were big and that "mommy made boots out of seaweed." (yes, I did...there was no shortage of seaweed). We are hoping that the beach weekend with the other two families will become a tradition.

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