Monday, May 26, 2014

Naughty, Naughty, Naughty

Speed and Sunshine think they are the naughtiest children in town. On Saturdays and some Sundays, we get to "sleep in" (read: sleep past 5:30 a.m.). Because of some supervision rules/issues, they stay in their room until I am out of mine. I have encouraged them to get up, look at books, play with animals, do whatever as long as it's in their room.

For months, they've not moved even with my encouragement. They are strict rule followers and can't seem to get that it's ok to get out of bed. So despite animals on their beds and books stacked beside, they lay still and don't talk.

Yesterday, I walked in on them both on the floor, hiding and giggling under blankets with books and flashlights.

It's about time.

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