Monday, July 5, 2010

Welcoming Sisters

Little Guy and I have been hit by a tornado. And her little sister. Last week brought our new 3 year old friend and the teeniest thing to set foot in the house. We are settling still, but in a week I have learned:

3 year old insomniacs DO exist.
My latent Spanish skills come in handy, even if only a few verbs are conjugated.
16 month olds are actually way more fun than I thought they'd be.
Bananas and strawberries are more coveted than cookies and french fries.
Behavior management and conflict resolution between a 2yo and a 3yo is difficult when each of us speaks a different language.
Introducing Ring Around the Rosie to 3 toddlers can make one dizzy if they ask for more/mas enough times.
Getting in and out of car seats takes an exceptionally long time.
Doing anything, really, takes an exceptionally long time.
The front of the shopping cart that has the little seatbelt thingy is the spot coveted by all.
It is possible to change diapers on children in the trunk of the car.
It is difficult to fit a cat carrier into a Honda Civic with three car seats.
Empty playgrounds are the best place to enjoy 3 small children without worrying one might get lost in the shuffle.
No one ever gets tired of singing the Wheels on the Bus (except me).
There is no need to get 4 separate plates to eat off of at picnics. No matter what is on their plate, they want what is on mine.
Even tornadoes can be tamed with much much focus.

Welcome little girls! I am looking forward to enjoying you more.

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