Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saying Goodbye

I had forgotten that Curly and Sister were here when Beignet left, so they had taken part in her good bye party. When I told them Monkey would be leaving, the first thing Curly said was "When will her party be?"

um...right now, of course.

So we did it, right then, just the four of us. In two year old style with what we had around the house. Thankfully, there were some leftover cookies. Monkey sat in her chair while we said "Cheers" and "clinked" our cookies together, and sang her the now traditional "We love you so and so" good bye song.

I am not sure I would have taken three kids for the first time if they were all unknown. But Monkey was a known to us. Despite her short stay, it was worth the effort to see what she brought out in our very quiet sister, to hear the giggling girls down the hall, to see Curly be a good big brother even to a stranger, and to have a loving leech on me all the time.

When we say "cheers" at our house, it is to celebrate something good. What were we celebrating last night? "That Monkey even had to come to our house." said the curly one. Amen to that.

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