Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jammie Time

Who knew that pajamas would be the highlight of our life here? Baby Beignet came with a couple of pair of pjs (that she has no idea where she got) and has acquired a couple more. Suddenly, choosing pajamas has become an event each night. They all get laid out on the floor and compared. So far, we have:
1. The Footies: "These make me look just like a little baby!" Footies are extra popular on the wooden floors.
2. The "I love Dora but these are too short" PJs: Beignet doesn't quite get the concept of capri pants yet.
3. The "Princess Nightgown": need I explain?
4. The "Balentine" nightgown. It has nothing to do with Valentine's really. It was BESIDE some valentine sleepers in the store.
And (drumroll please) the most popular:
5. "The Magic Pajamas": Magic because they glow in the dark.

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