Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Making it "all about the airplane" was the only way to go for Little Bit's exit. I tried hard to make her want to move forward. We got pictures of her relative. We called said relative on the phone. We talked about the cousins she might get to play with. All of these attempts were met with resistance. With "Why can't I stay here?" With "But I want to call YOU my mommy." With "I am NOT going to like it there!" The draw of the airplane was our ticket. Relative said on the phone last night: "Oooooh, you are such a brave girl!" as Bit beamed. We drove down 71 over the weekend to see the planes. We looked at pictures of planes. We talked about seatbelts and potties and chairs and snacks on planes. It worked. At least up to the point where she went through the security gate and I went to my car. Little Bit followed her CPS caseworker through the metal detector, stuffed cat in tow. Here's hoping it was a smooth landing.

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