Monday, July 27, 2015

A Bit About Eagle

I thought Junebug was easy. And I suppose she was for a two-ish year old high energy kid. Eagle is a dream child. He is the most mild mannered kid I have ever met. He has one word (ball), laughs at everything and anything, only has a couple of things that make him cry (or scream sometimes), and is otherwise both silent and content.

The kids continue to love on him and teach him made up sign language that only they can understand. He now knows the real signs for "all gone" and "more". If I sign other words, he laughs at me as though I have no idea what I am doing (oh, but I do, dude.)

We went to a party yesterday and more than one person commented on how easy going our boy is. That is until he was refused more birthday cake. :)

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