Thursday, April 9, 2015

Not Three Yet

Chickadee is still a mouther. If it fits in her mouth, in it goes. She has been wanting beads in her hair for quite some time. I have told her that she has to wait till she is three because then I "know you won't put them in your mouth."

Last night was hair night. Her hair was already parted in many, many parts because she had box braids for easter. I decided that since the parts were already there, it was time for beads.

Over one hour later, a beaded Chickadee head was complete.

Chickadee's first words when looking in the mirror:


Um, no, you are not three yet.

"Uh-huh. You say I be three, I get beads. I get beads now, so I three!!"

I'm not ready for you to be three, but you are ready for beads. That is called a compromise.

"Oh. Ok. Thank you, Mommy! I like my beads!"

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