Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This is How It Starts

My five kids, me, friend's two kids, were at a park the other day. Big Sister hit it off quite nicely with the boy that is her age (which shouldn't at all surprise me since she had such a solid relationship with Little D last year).

They were chatting it up on the swings for a good long while. He even asked if we could all meet at the park again sometime.

In the car on the way home:
Me: Big Sister, it seemed like you and (boy) really hit it off.
Her: Yeah, he was nice. I told him all my secrets.
Me: Oh yeh, may I ask like what?
Her: Like my name and that I am in kindergarten.

1 comment:

Alison Randall said...

Oh, and then you go and post that personal information on here? Now I know all!!