Friday, August 27, 2010

The Spectacle We Are

Our little family in public tends to get some stares, which I don't entirely understand because I know I am not the only one on Earth with three kids this small. Nor am I the only one with three children who don't match me or match each other. It's the comments, though, that crack me up:

From the HEB worker in the store, looking at all three children in the cart: Where do you plan on putting any food?

From the guy in the HEB parking lot who was waiting for me to shut the car door so he could get in: Wow! Looks like you have way more to deal with than I do. Take your time.

From the person at the daycare potluck as I was trying to get all three some water and a cookie: So, do you ever get a chance to eat?

From a different daycare mom after she mathematically deduced that two of my children are less than nine months apart: Wait. How'd you manage THAT?

From the homeless man in the McDonald's parking lot: Your kids are beautiful, but it looks like you got it kinda rough!

Rougher than being HOMELESS??? I think not!

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