Wednesday, June 17, 2009

If I had a wagon I would....

...go to Colorado, go to Colorado. If I had a wagon I would go to the state where a man can walk a mile high!

This song that I learned in 3rd grade music class was the theme song that got us through the last two weeks of school. (Baby B would say she is "not a fan" of school.) We were getting in the car after daycare one day and she said: I am so excited about summer camp. I can't wait!

"Wait a are more excited about summer camp than vacation?"
"Yup, cuz I don't know what vacation means."

"Vacation" needed a meaning, "vacation" needed some pictures from the internet (MOUNTAINS!!), "vacation" needed a song.

From time to time, I can still hear Ladybug, who always has some song in her head, singing: If airplane, fly to Colorado, fly Colorado!

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